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Is Radon Threatening Your Family!

Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer, and it could be infiltrating your home.  It is a radioactive gas that invades your household from the earth below and threatens your health.  It is our mission to identify and eliminate this toxic threat to your family.


Radon Recon offers continuous radon monitor (CRM) testing.  The CRM is the industry elite and most sensitive  test available.  It  is placed within your home and registers the radon levels over a 48 hour period.  The levels are then evaluated for the threat level in your home.  A full written report and recommendations are then provided to allow you to make the best possible step towards your specific needs.

Radon testing and mitigation

Radon Recon offers mitigation in both pre-existing structures and new construction.  Mitigation is the process where the radioactive gasses are redirected before entering the inside of your home and eliminated through ventilating to the exterior.  We use only industry recommended, high quality parts and construction standards, and follow all city, county, state and construction regulations.


Once the radon testing and mitigation mission has been accomplished, we will retest to assure the threat has been eliminated.  Radon Recon guarantees its work. Our exemplary customer service, knowledgable certified personnel, and experience in the construction industry will result in a satisfied client, secure home, and safe family.

Detecting The Enemy
Eliminating The Threat
Accomplishing Our Mission
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